For a long time, computer systems used limited character sets. It began as simple as ASCII, a 7-bit encoding covering most common characters used in Western languages.

With the rise of proprietary systems, various DOS and ANSI character sets were introduced. That lead to the creation of ISO-8859-* series. In the other parts of the world, specific encodings were created to facilitate efficient text storage.

The help came in the name of Unicode, which introduced a universal character set, defined by thousands of abstract characters, each identified by integer number, called code point. However, since each code point was considered to be 32 bits in size, it was rather inefficient to store texts as raw 4-byte words.

While looking for a good variable length encoding, Ken Thompson and Rob Pike of Bell Labs came up with UTF-8. It is based on idea that lower code points shall be encoded in no more bytes than higher ones. So, for example, we shall devote no more bytes to “A” (Unicode 0x0041) than to “♫” (Unicode 0x266B). Each Unicode character has unique representation in UTF-8. The following table explains the technique in more detail.

Code point range (hexademical) Encoded (UTF-8) – in binary Bytes (UTF-8)
000000–00007F 0zzzzzzz 1
000080–0007FF 110yyyyy 10zzzzzz 2
000800–00FFFF 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz 3
010000–10FFFF 11110www 10xxxxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz 4

For example, the character aleph (א), which has Unicode code point 0x05D0, is encoded into UTF-8 in this way:

You are given a file that is supposedly encoded with UTF-8 encoding. Your task is to check the given file and report if it is indeed correctly encoded. Example input and output is presented below.